Free Stuff for Baritone Ukulele
Enjoy these freebies for your personal use. These materials are my original copyrighted works, including all the graphics. Please don’t distribute or repost elsewhere. You can link to this page instead. Thanks!
I created these resources for myself because they help me learn faster and remember more. It’s the stuff I use constantly. The farther you scroll down, the more advanced the materials. I add new resources whenever I create them, so you can tell what I’m working on myself nowadays by looking at the bottom row.
Beginner One-Page Chord Chart for Baritone Uke
Don’t waste time trying to learn hundreds of chords when you can play millions of songs with just a few chords.
Check out my article about Which Chords to Learn First on baritone ukulele, and use the one-page chord chart to get started jamming.
Click here to get the free printable one-page chord chart.
Beginner Chord Chart Level 2 for Baritone Uke
Have you already learned those basic beginner chords on the one-page chord chart? Read more about the chords you need to learn next using the the free printable Level 2 chord chart organized on just two pages.
Notes of the Baritone Ukulele
Learning the notes of the baritone ukulele fretboard is the key to upping your game as a player. Start playing all over the neck, find the easiest options for the chord progressions you want to play, experiment with jazz chords, chord soloing, and so much more. Check out my article The Baritone Ukulele Fretboard: A Step-by-Step Guide to get started!
Here’s a free printable pdf showing the baritone ukulele fretboard with all the notes.
Or check out the free editable spreadsheet with all the baritone ukulele notes.
Blank Fretboard Worksheet for Baritone Ukulele
Here’s the free pdf with blank fretboard diagrams for baritone uke.
I use them to help me visualize the patterns we use for notes, scales, and chords on baritone ukulele.
Here’s an example of using a fretboard diagram to learn a major scale pattern. There are many different ways to play major scales on baritone uke, but the same patterns work for every key. The example is in G major. Move two frets toward the nut for F major. Move two frets toward the bridge for A major. And so on.
Blank Tableture for Baritone Ukulele
Here’s the free printable pdf with blank tablature for baritone uke.
Blank Song Chart
Learn songs faster by making a quick and easy song chart using this free printable blank song chart. Works for any instrument.
Are you using a lyric sheet with chord letters written above the words? Time to upgrade. A simple song chart lays out the bars (measures) and beats so you can see where and why you keep messing up.
Here’s an example of how to make a quick but accurate song chart.
Blank Chord Diagrams for Four Strings
Here are the free printable blank chord diagrams. They work for any four-string instrument, i.e. baritone ukulele, tenor ukulele, bass ukulele, bass guitar, mandolin, tenor guitar, etc.
I’m using these all the time now to figure out songs, study progressions, or learn chord options.
- blank chord diagram 7×4 — 7 chord diagrams x 4 rows
- blank chord diagram 7×3 — 3 rows, more white space for writing
- blank chord diagram 8×4 — smaller chord diagrams, more white space,
- blank chord diagram 6×3 — more white space, smaller diagrams

Circle of Fifths, Circle of Fourth
Free printable pdf with the circle of fifths.
Or if you prefer, the circle of fourths.
Diatonic Triads of the Major and Minor Keys
These files have eight of the twelve keys. Once you get the hang of seeing songs from a diatonic point of view, you’ll be able to add the other four keys yourself if you want. But it’s unlikely you’ll ever need them.
Editable Excel file – diatonic triads & 7ths
PDF version – diatonic triads
Diatonic 7th Chords of the Major and Minor Keys
These files have eight of the twelve keys. Once you get the hang of seeing songs from a diatonic point of view, you’ll be able to add the other four keys yourself if you want. But it’s unlikely you’ll ever need them.
Editable Excel file – diatonic triads & 7ths
PDF version – diatonic 7ths